Encinal will not offer AP Wold History as part of its 2023-2024 course selections, at least not in the traditional sense. Currently, the school offers sophomores two options for history: World History or AP World History. However, starting next fall, students who want to take the AP World History test will be enrolled in a special advisory course geared towards test preparation.
“Every sophomore will be enrolled in a Modern World History class and those who would want to take the AP test would be enrolled in a separate advisory along with the World History," said AP World teacher, Mr. Lee. "That would be in place of the current system where there are basically two separate classes.”
The change is in resposne to a large amount of current AP World History students opting out of taking the AP test. Currently, students enrolled in AP World receive a GPA grade bump. However, with so many sophomores not planning to take the test, the History department revisted its course offerings.
“That’s sort of one of the problems with the current model," said Lee. "Students want the grade boost but don't necessarily want the test. It’s hard to spend a whole lot of time in class helping to prepare kids for the test because it's not a good use of time. Because not everyone’s taking it and so we’re trying to move to our model where we’re actually spending a decent amount of time helping kids succeed on the test.”
Encinal has four sections of AP World History and four sections of Modern World History this school year.
Mr. Lee thinks that the change is a good step in the right direction and something that’s beneficial to everyone and their learning. Some also wonder if four sections of AP World History is too many to offer. Currently, AP World is the only AP course sophomores can take.
The change is an unpopular one. First, there was a problem with miscommunication. Several freshmen interviewed said they weren’t aware that the class would be moved to advisory and heard that it was cancelled entirely. Mr. Lee was on paternity leave during course selections which lead to student confusion. Even for the freshmen who did know, most of their reactions seemed negative.
“I feel like I don’t want to take it as much because it’s going to be in advisory and I’m not going to take the AP test, so I feel like I’m not going to learn as much,” said freshman Yasar Zarif.
The freshmen aren’t alone in their opinions either. Current AP World student, sophomore Alejandra Alvarez, explained her doubts with the new system.
“I don’t really see a point in there being an advisory extension because it’s not a long enough block. I think advisory has a better use of it being a study hall,” said Alvarez. “If that was the option that was offered this year, I don’t think I would’ve chosen it.”
The change will make AP World History a more selective class in the 2023-2024 school year. Despite student concerns, the new system will go into affect. If it works well, it is likely to stay for the foreseeable future.